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طلّة على شو موجود

اعبر مسافات digitalية

As an anthropologist, I find comfort in documenting culture. Documenting the lives of those experiencing life As a teenage girl, I carry my life in a scrapbook journal. As a human being, I'm magnetically drawn to the human experience.

I'm hyper-aware of life through the eyes of humanity. And what more describes the human experience than the cultures and communities it is carried through.

This blog serves as an outlet where I get to document my cultural footprint- how culture impacts me, and all I do to preserve & nurture it.

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A sort of world derived from cartoonic surrealism- a reality lingering between worlds of animated scribbles and the living. Breathing thoughts manifesting in a physical world. I see myself in my portraits of Arabella and Ikleel. The same way I see myself in Al Handalah.

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